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Key information about the event: Straight on Til Morning - 11/22



  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Try to remember that all the people who actually run this live in America, and if they can't guarantee coverage when something goes wrong during a regular weekend, expecting better than that on what is perhaps the biggest family holiday of the year is a bit of a stretch.

    Yeah and DB is well known for fixing its bugs during the event...

    OH wait it isn't they only know how to send sorrytons during the event.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I'm surprised at the negativity here. We can't expect a captain Spock every week, surely people realize that?

    I think it is well planned to have a lower-participation event during a holiday for the Americans. No one is forcing you to participate after all.

    Skipping an event needs to be a player choice. If DB does that for us, lots of people will complain about that too.

    Although by now I fully expect the forums to break out the pitchforks and torches for any change. I myself welcome the new rewards structure and the other recent changes.
  • edited November 2018
    People asking for events to be missed or suspended during an American holiday is a bit selfish.
    Try to remember the game is international and not every country celebrates your holidays.

    Try to remember that all the people who actually run this live in America, and if they can't guarantee coverage when something goes wrong during a regular weekend, expecting better than that on what is perhaps the biggest family holiday of the year is a bit of a stretch.

    I’m still playing the international card here.
    As DB also depend on players/CUSTOMERS from the entire world to turn a profit to their enterprise, then they should cater for this eventuality.

    Logic dictates that the needs of the many 🌍, out way the needs of the few, or the 1... country 🇺🇸

    I am in Australia actually, have been here well over a decade, so I can see this from both sides. If you remember the game when it first came out, we somehow managed to survive without an event each and every weekend, so having an occasional one off is not much of an ask. :-)

    I am also in Australia. We 'down under' are disadvantaged by the fact events start and finish at 4am local time. So unless I get up at 4am and stack shuttles I'm already off to a slow start trying to catch up by 8am. Last event I actually got up at 3am to do some grinding and went to bed at 3.30am ranked about 500, confident of a top 1k finish. When I woke up later in the morning the event had ended and I had dropped to rank 1111 in that last half hour. It seems pretty unfair.
  • I keep thinking of a scene from 30 Rock as I'm reading this...
    I forgot the U.S. country code but then I remembered —it's NUMBER ONE

    I agree that it's concerning that there will be reduced DB resources for this event, especially since the CS contractors are fairly problematic these days. I agree though that non-US players probably won't be too affected by the holiday and although I remember the time before events I think it's pretty standard now that we have them. By the same token, as a non-Christian I see no reason to skip events for Christmas or Easter.

    On the upside for those of us in the states, at least it's less time sensitive than faction events. And if Thanksgiving causing you to miss the first 6 hours or so of a 96 hour competition is really that big of an issue some people (e.g., me) are going to have difficulty finding common understanding. As someone put it to me during the macros debates, you just have to accept it if life events are interfering with devoting your time resources to the game.
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • People asking for events to be missed or suspended during an American holiday is a bit selfish.
    Try to remember the game is international and not every country celebrates your holidays.

    Try to remember that all the people who actually run this live in America, and if they can't guarantee coverage when something goes wrong during a regular weekend, expecting better than that on what is perhaps the biggest family holiday of the year is a bit of a stretch.

    I’m still playing the international card here.
    As DB also depend on players/CUSTOMERS from the entire world to turn a profit to their enterprise, then they should cater for this eventuality.

    Logic dictates that the needs of the many 🌍, out way the needs of the few, or the 1... country 🇺🇸

    I like your point, and hello there from Canada! 🇨🇦
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am also in Australia. We 'down under' are disadvantaged by the fact events start and finish at 4am local time. So unless I get up at 4am and stack shuttles I'm already off to a slow start trying to catch up by 8am. Last event I actually got up at 3am to do some grinding and went to bed at 3.30am ranked about 500, confident of a top 1k finish. When I woke up later in the morning the event had ended and I had dropped to rank 1111 in that last half hour. It seems pretty unfair.

    As a USA resident, I do feel bad for our international friends when it comes to this issue. One the one hand, if you build (galaxy), send (faction), or battle (skirmish) as many times as anyone else in the world, you will finish at the same rank (ignoring bonus factors of course) no matter what the local time for your event is. But the reality is that certain parts of the world have an advantage of seeing where they stack up and thus knowing how many more point-generating things they need to do to beat the folks that have (rightfully so) gone to sleep. There are certainly some creative solutions to this, but as long as the employees that run the events are working in the US, it's hard to imagine that they will stagger the start/end times to interfere with their own mid-sleep periods.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am also in Australia. We 'down under' are disadvantaged by the fact events start and finish at 4am local time. So unless I get up at 4am and stack shuttles I'm already off to a slow start trying to catch up by 8am. Last event I actually got up at 3am to do some grinding and went to bed at 3.30am ranked about 500, confident of a top 1k finish. When I woke up later in the morning the event had ended and I had dropped to rank 1111 in that last half hour. It seems pretty unfair.

    As a USA resident, I do feel bad for our international friends when it comes to this issue. One the one hand, if you build (galaxy), send (faction), or battle (skirmish) as many times as anyone else in the world, you will finish at the same rank (ignoring bonus factors of course) no matter what the local time for your event is. But the reality is that certain parts of the world have an advantage of seeing where they stack up and thus knowing how many more point-generating things they need to do to beat the folks that have (rightfully so) gone to sleep. There are certainly some creative solutions to this, but as long as the employees that run the events are working in the US, it's hard to imagine that they will stagger the start/end times to interfere with their own mid-sleep periods.

    Really? Because we in Europe have a massive advantage in events. They start and end in 5 pm or 6 pm.

    The only thing that is mildly annoying is gauntlet which ends in 1 am.
  • edited November 2018
    ME: "Caolan in the fleet chat said ya' could give me ma' old ship in this event. Lemme see it."
    DB: "Insufficient data. Please specify parameters."
    ME: "The Enterprise! Show me the bridge of the Enterprise, ya' chatterin' piece of..."
    DB: "There have been five Federation ships with that name. Please specify by registry number."
    ME: "NCC-1701. No bloody A, B, C, or D."
    DB: "Lol, nope"

    (...i am not complaining, just being Scotty) ....aaaand am happy that we´ll have 5* enterprise

  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    A 4am start and finish is a significant disadvantage in faction events. The leaderboard is well advanced by the time I have finished my quickstart, and I finish my last set of shuttles at 12-1 am, that's 3 sets of shuttles or potentially 48,000VP to make up.

    This is slightly offset by the fact I only do 3 sets of overnighters, so I guess that's 16,000VP off that deficit, making it 32,000VP. Technically that 32,000VP is less well boosted so more likely to fail, but it's still 32,000VP potential missed.

    To make that up costs 16 time boosts (8 extra shuttles) or nowadays 8 shuttle requisition tokens.

    That's just to remain on par with other players in the US who do a quickstart and send regular shuttles on a timer.

    Interestingly, last time a fleet mate shared ranked position with me I was pretty much exactly 30,000VP behind them.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • This is one reason why threshold rewards are so interesting to me. I can reach the new threshold with a small amount of extra effort, and the rewards are pretty solid. I hope they do something similar with Galaxies and Skirmishes as the pressure will be off for most of them. Chasing 1000 for skirmishes is no problem for me; I play lots and well above the ranked for most of the game. For galaxies though, that late turn-in screws up my ability to anticipate what the ranked VP actually is. I can be doing really well the entire event and still lose. And I get nothing for it. A consolation prize of a premium pull, some honor, and a voyage extension token is well worth the extra effort I put in and doesn't make failing QUITE so bad.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • DB could in fact, attempt to offset this disadvantage by gifting players in certain time zones 8 extra SRT's at the start of every faction event. It's not perfect, because SRT's are likely to fail more frequently as they aren't likely to have event crew, but it would go some way to help offset the disadvantage some players have.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    Try it without daylight savings, it is 3am start for me, so I don't always get out of the gates first. :s
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Try it without daylight savings, it is 3am start for me, so I don't always get out of the gates first. :s

    1.00am for me 😖😖😖
  • For galaxies though, that late turn-in screws up my ability to anticipate what the ranked VP actually is. I can be doing really well the entire event and still lose. And I get nothing for it. A consolation prize of a premium pull, some honor, and a voyage extension token is well worth the extra effort I put in and doesn't make failing QUITE so bad.

    They could fix up the sniping at the end of Galaxy event by making collection of SR's mandatory when earned.

    They could indeed. Last time I suggested it I got squeals of horror from many players who enjoy a good old snipe and generally got shouted down. I was kind of hoping that players have become more kind-hearted towards those of us at serious disadvantage :)

    I'm not against the idea, but I'm not sure if it would make things easier for people who are asleep or at work during the last hours of those events. Everyone else could just keep building exactly as much as they need to overtake them in the leaderboards.
  • For galaxies though, that late turn-in screws up my ability to anticipate what the ranked VP actually is. I can be doing really well the entire event and still lose. And I get nothing for it. A consolation prize of a premium pull, some honor, and a voyage extension token is well worth the extra effort I put in and doesn't make failing QUITE so bad.

    They could fix up the sniping at the end of Galaxy event by making collection of SR's mandatory when earned.

    They could indeed. Last time I suggested it I got squeals of horror from many players who enjoy a good old snipe and generally got shouted down. I was kind of hoping that players have become more kind-hearted towards those of us at serious disadvantage :)

    I'm not against the idea, but I'm not sure if it would make things easier for people who are asleep or at work during the last hours of those events. Everyone else could just keep building exactly as much as they need to overtake them in the leaderboards.

    I think any change that reduces our ways to use strategy is just further tipping the game in favour of the big spenders. I don't object to whales occupying all the top spots - but I do want to feel I can duke it out down the board. Strategy is the only way. For true FTP players this is even more true. Preventing sniping is not a good move in my book.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • I would agree that it should be mandatory to turn them in, either constantly, or preferably after the change of phase. If the change is made, it needs to be automatic that they are turned in, not the players choice.
  • The big problem I see there is the counters. Being able to see how many you have still gives a strong metric to what you can gain with it. If you only knew that you could turn in but not how many you've stockpiled you could blindly continue building knowing you're getting somewhere but that's all.

    Maybe that's a stupid idea, but it's an alternative anyway.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have found that 300 super rares equates to about 100,000 VP. So I use that base for my math estimates.
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