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Neverending Campaign speculations



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hope @DScottHewitt is OK, as he has been quiet lately.

    1. STE 5* & DS9 4*. Those series need love, too. <3
    2. If it's Dark Empath Troi, scratch #2 & tell @Banjo1012 I am (not) sorry.
    3. Time is the ultimate resource.


    I will accept that. If. It though Admiral Valdore would be phenomenal

  • edited June 2020
    I did the research so you didn’t have to :wink:


    ‘STIII: The Search For Spock‘ premiered June 1st 1984 (Today!!)

    ‘STII: The Wrath of Khan‘ premiered June 4th 1982

    ‘STV: The Final Frontier’ premiered June 9th 1989


    ‘Turnabout Intruder’ premiered June 3rd 1969


    ‘Manhunt’ premiered June 19th 1989

    ‘The Emissary’ premiered June 26th 1989

    ‘Transfigurations’ premiered June 4th 1990

    ‘The Best of Both Worlds Part 1’ premiered June 18th 1990

    ‘In Theory’ premiered June 3rd 1991

    ‘Redemption Part 1’ premiered June 17th 1991

    ‘The Inner Light’ premiered June 1st (Today!!) 1992

    ‘Times Arrow Part 1’ premiered June 15th 1992

    ‘Timescape’ premiered June 14th 1993

    ‘Decent Part 1’ premiered June 21st 1993


    ‘Duet’ premiered June 13th 1993

    ‘In The Hands of The Prophets’ premiered June 20th 1993

    ‘Tribunal’ premiered June 5 1994

    ‘The Jem’Hadar’ premiered June 12 1994

    ‘Facets’ premiered June 12th 1995

    ‘The Adversary’ premiered June 19th 1995

    ‘Body Parts’ premiered June 10th 1996

    ‘Broken Link’ premiered June 17th 1996

    ‘In The Cards’ premiered June 9th 1997

    ‘Call To Arms’ premiered June 16th 1997

    ‘The Sound of Her Voice’ premiered June 10th 1998

    ‘Tears of The Prophets’ premiered June 17th 1998

    ‘What You Leave Behind’ premiered June 2nd 1999

    *No Enterprise episodes aired in June*

    *No Discovery episodes aired in June*

    *No Picard episodes aired in June*

    *No Animated episodes aired in June*

    *No Voyager episodes premiered in June*

    I hope you guys appreciate my research :smiley:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did the research so you didn’t have to :wink:


    ‘STIII: The Search For Spock‘ premiered June 1st 1984 (Today!!)

    ‘STII: The Wrath of Khan‘ premiered June 4th 1982

    ‘STV: The Final Frontier’ premiered June 9th 1989


    ‘Turnabout Intruder’ premiered June 3rd 1969


    ‘Manhunt’ premiered June 19th 1989

    ‘The Emissary’ premiered June 26th 1989

    ‘Transfigurations’ premiered June 4th 1990

    ‘The Best of Both Worlds Part 1’ premiered June 18th 1990

    ‘In Theory’ premiered June 3rd 1991

    ‘Redemption Part 1’ premiered June 17th 1991

    ‘The Inner Light’ premiered June 1st (Today!!) 1992

    ‘Times Arrow Part 1’ premiered June 15th 1992

    ‘Timescape’ premiered June 14th 1993

    ‘Decent Part 1’ premiered June 21st 1993


    ‘Duet’ premiered June 13th 1993

    ‘In The Hands of The Prophets’ premiered June 20th 1993

    ‘Tribunal’ premiered June 5 1994

    ‘The Jem’Hadar’ premiered June 12 1994

    ‘Facets’ premiered June 12th 1995

    ‘The Adversary’ premiered June 19th 1995

    ‘Body Parts’ premiered June 10th 1996

    ‘Broken Link’ premiered June 17th 1996

    ‘In The Cards’ premiered June 9th 1997

    ‘Call To Arms’ premiered June 16th 1997

    ‘The Sound of Her Voice’ premiered June 10th 1998

    ‘Tears of The Prophets’ premiered June 17th 1998

    ‘What You Leave Behind’ premiered June 2nd 1999

    *No Enterprise episodes aired in June*

    *No Discovery episodes aired in June*

    *No Picard episodes aired in June*

    *No Animated episodes aired in June*

    *No Voyager episodes premiered in June*

    I hope you guys appreciate my research :smiley:

    Great work! One thing to keep in mind though, the Phlox campaign was because he was carrying an umbrella. I don’t think TP thinks about it in depth like you did.

  • edited June 2020
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I did the research so you didn’t have to :wink:


    ‘STIII: The Search For Spock‘ premiered June 1st 1984 (Today!!)

    ‘STII: The Wrath of Khan‘ premiered June 4th 1982

    ‘STV: The Final Frontier’ premiered June 9th 1989


    ‘Turnabout Intruder’ premiered June 3rd 1969


    ‘Manhunt’ premiered June 19th 1989

    ‘The Emissary’ premiered June 26th 1989

    ‘Transfigurations’ premiered June 4th 1990

    ‘The Best of Both Worlds Part 1’ premiered June 18th 1990

    ‘In Theory’ premiered June 3rd 1991

    ‘Redemption Part 1’ premiered June 17th 1991

    ‘The Inner Light’ premiered June 1st (Today!!) 1992

    ‘Times Arrow Part 1’ premiered June 15th 1992

    ‘Timescape’ premiered June 14th 1993

    ‘Decent Part 1’ premiered June 21st 1993


    ‘Duet’ premiered June 13th 1993

    ‘In The Hands of The Prophets’ premiered June 20th 1993

    ‘Tribunal’ premiered June 5 1994

    ‘The Jem’Hadar’ premiered June 12 1994

    ‘Facets’ premiered June 12th 1995

    ‘The Adversary’ premiered June 19th 1995

    ‘Body Parts’ premiered June 10th 1996

    ‘Broken Link’ premiered June 17th 1996

    ‘In The Cards’ premiered June 9th 1997

    ‘Call To Arms’ premiered June 16th 1997

    ‘The Sound of Her Voice’ premiered June 10th 1998

    ‘Tears of The Prophets’ premiered June 17th 1998

    ‘What You Leave Behind’ premiered June 2nd 1999

    *No Enterprise episodes aired in June*

    *No Discovery episodes aired in June*

    *No Picard episodes aired in June*

    *No Animated episodes aired in June*

    *No Voyager episodes premiered in June*

    I hope you guys appreciate my research :smiley:

    Great work! One thing to keep in mind though, the Phlox campaign was because he was carrying an umbrella. I don’t think TP thinks about it in depth like you did.

    Thanks! you’re right, but i did have some spare time :wink:

    judging by my research, if we talk strictly movies, for twok wrathful khan, wrathful kirk, joachim, admiral kirk etc. for 4*’s david marcus, ev suit chekov. for the search for spock there’s less possibilities - undercover sulu, commander uhura, katra mccoy. and for the final frontier mountaineer spock would be really really nice to have - klaa would be an ok 4* cause no one really wants sybok :wink:

    of course, there’s always the (low) possibility that they could introduce new crew. for twok, captain clark terrell would be a very nice addition, perhaps another version of carol or david would be okay too, or kobiashi maru saavik. for st3, a new saavik would be very nice (genesis planet saavik?) captain styles would be a fun addition, saboteur scotty (when he sabotages the excelsior) and no one really cares about the final frontier :wink::blush:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    All I wish for is someone I have at 1/5 already, so far every campaign has been a miss...

    I wish for the same. So far Queen Po and Adm Forrest hit that button for me. More are welcome!
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    me three ... so I feel that:

    Resilient Tuvok (as the 5*)

    ticks a whole number of boxes ... bday, Voyager, these times we live in etc. (I have him 1/5) ... let's do this. :)
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like a combination of

    Grathon Tolar
    Saboteur Garak
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Why are people so uppity over what people do with THEIR money. If some of us think the campaign is worth $10 even if it didn't have golds, that's our choice.

    Like i said before, you could take the 4 golds cards COMPLETELY OUT of the campaign. I would still spend the $10 because i think the value is still within reason for everything else that is in the campaign. If WRG took the golds out AND increased the price, I might have to reconsider the value.

    I understand that people focus a lot on the gold/purple characters because that is the one thing that is NOT constant between all the campaigns. But there's a huge contingent of players who don't focus on just the cards and play the long game. They can see what the value is of everything else that comes in a campaign.

    I'm happy to be (almost) back to free to play after getting to VIP 12 after so many "too good to pass" offers and campaigns. I'm getting the monthly card, although I may skip that altogether next month because I don't really need loads of dilithium anymore. I will not get cards that aren't main cast anymore, they do little for me at this point of the game so if the event value is not there that's a waste of crew space and money. I don't care much about the rest of the campaign, dilithium is overpriced even at this rate, I couldn't care less about a few pulls and merits, I'm in no rush to get cites from bad deals and the rest is trash.

    Quoted just point out that this is an excellent explanation of why someone does not wish to do the Premium Track. Without poopooing those who do, even though Ren doesn't. And it all comes down to personal subjective values, in the end.

    Can I afford the $9.99? Do I feel I am getting good value for the $9.99? Some people do find it valuable, and affordable, even when the Legendary is not Tier One. Others base their decision on who the Legendary is, and that is their deciding factor. Some do not justify the expense, even if it is a great Legendary. And some just do not have the $10 to spend.........

    Remember when @Ren~ was a big meanie head? He's made some quality points and been pretty respectful to others for months now. Can I nominate Ren for #1 forum success story?

    As for campaign... "Summer" has been on the past two player polls, but we never vote for that as a mega event theme. I wonder if they'll just cram a summer campaign down our throats. :D
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I did the research so you didn’t have to :wink:


    ‘STIII: The Search For Spock‘ premiered June 1st 1984 (Today!!)

    ‘STII: The Wrath of Khan‘ premiered June 4th 1982

    ‘STV: The Final Frontier’ premiered June 9th 1989


    ‘Turnabout Intruder’ premiered June 3rd 1969


    ‘Manhunt’ premiered June 19th 1989

    ‘The Emissary’ premiered June 26th 1989

    ‘Transfigurations’ premiered June 4th 1990

    ‘The Best of Both Worlds Part 1’ premiered June 18th 1990

    ‘In Theory’ premiered June 3rd 1991

    ‘Redemption Part 1’ premiered June 17th 1991

    ‘The Inner Light’ premiered June 1st (Today!!) 1992

    ‘Times Arrow Part 1’ premiered June 15th 1992

    ‘Timescape’ premiered June 14th 1993

    ‘Decent Part 1’ premiered June 21st 1993


    ‘Duet’ premiered June 13th 1993

    ‘In The Hands of The Prophets’ premiered June 20th 1993

    ‘Tribunal’ premiered June 5 1994

    ‘The Jem’Hadar’ premiered June 12 1994

    ‘Facets’ premiered June 12th 1995

    ‘The Adversary’ premiered June 19th 1995

    ‘Body Parts’ premiered June 10th 1996

    ‘Broken Link’ premiered June 17th 1996

    ‘In The Cards’ premiered June 9th 1997

    ‘Call To Arms’ premiered June 16th 1997

    ‘The Sound of Her Voice’ premiered June 10th 1998

    ‘Tears of The Prophets’ premiered June 17th 1998

    ‘What You Leave Behind’ premiered June 2nd 1999

    *No Enterprise episodes aired in June*

    *No Discovery episodes aired in June*

    *No Picard episodes aired in June*

    *No Animated episodes aired in June*

    *No Voyager episodes premiered in June*

    I hope you guys appreciate my research :smiley:

    Great work! One thing to keep in mind though, the Phlox campaign was because he was carrying an umbrella. I don’t think TP thinks about it in depth like you did.

    Thanks! you’re right, but i did have some spare time :wink:

    judging by my research, if we talk strictly movies, for twok wrathful khan, wrathful kirk, joachim, admiral kirk etc. for 4*’s david marcus, ev suit chekov. for the search for spock there’s less possibilities - undercover sulu, commander uhura, katra mccoy. and for the final frontier mountaineer spock would be really really nice to have - klaa would be an ok 4* cause no one really wants sybok :wink:

    of course, there’s always the (low) possibility that they could introduce new crew. for twok, captain clark terrell would be a very nice addition, perhaps another version of carol or david would be okay too, or kobiashi maru saavik. for st3, a new saavik would be very nice (genesis planet saavik?) captain styles would be a fun addition, saboteur scotty (when he sabotages the excelsior) and no one really cares about the final frontier :wink::blush:

    Put me down for Wrathful Kirk and EV Chekov, please.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    All I wish for is someone I have at 1/5 already, so far every campaign has been a miss...

    I've missed on all but 1... Proto Broccoli.
  • Dear Santa, instead of crew I don't have or want, could I exchange my campaign crews for begold pulls. Thanks.

    I would definitely prefer to buy one with 4 begolds than one with 4 copies of a weak legendary. But I'm pretty sure that a lot of people would say the opposite, especially the newer players who will get a lot of use out of any 4/5* :sweat_smile:
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmmm...if they want a "Summer" theme, I would go with Arandis as the 4* and Boothby Replicant (He's gardening) as the 5*.
    There is one thought no one has pointed out yet though. June is traditionally the month of graduations and weddings. Graduation Burnham and Klingon Wedding Jadzia or some other combo is a possibility in my mind. They could do this for June, have sports for July's missed Olympics (new Zhan'tara Leeta perhaps)- could save it until next year though, and do summer in August with maybe Amanda Rogers for the dog days of summer?
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    My thoughts on doctor-themed campaigns:

    Back from the Brink
    Mycelial Culber & Katra McCoy

    This pair underscores the hopeful moments of Star Trek, without turning away from the darker times that preceded them.

    Ingenuity & Elbow Grease
    Medic Jett Reno and Rianna Mayweather

    When the going gets tough, the tough get creative. Two MED/ENG characters may be overkill, particularly for such a rare skill combo. However, they're also great reminders of resourcefulness.

    Welcome Arrivals
    Seeking Spock & Captive Bashir

    Rock Spock and the Shell Shock Doc arrive just in time to help ock. I mean "out." Both characters help brainstorm solutions to significant unexpected problems.

    Contagious Catastrophe
    Dereth or Sulan & Danara Pel

    I'm including this hear because I wanted something more directly about fighting disease. But I'm not sure we want to celebrate health-care workers with a dedicated corpse or a face-harvesting villain.

    Helping Hands
    Dr. Pollard & Dr. Crusher

    Simple pairing that drops a heavy theme to just focus on two hard-working doctors who are there when the going gets tough. To quote Pollard herself: "No, I'm gonna do a half-assed job because now's the perfect time."
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • edited June 2020
    I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway. Also have Determined Janeway immo.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝

    + 1 on this idea :smiley:

    I have Katrine and Klingon Janeway immortal and I wouldn't be too excited about Admiral Janeway, but any other option would be great. Since Arachnia is the only one that has been eluding me for more than 3 years now, she would be my first choice I guess :lol:

  • I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝

    + 1 on this idea :smiley:

    I have Katrine and Klingon Janeway immortal and I wouldn't be too excited about Admiral Janeway, but any other option would be great. Since Arachnia is the only one that has been eluding me for more than 3 years now, she would be my first choice I guess :lol:

    i’ve heard admiral janeway is good in arena, haven’t tried her myself though 🖖
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝

    + 1 on this idea :smiley:

    I have Katrine and Klingon Janeway immortal and I wouldn't be too excited about Admiral Janeway, but any other option would be great. Since Arachnia is the only one that has been eluding me for more than 3 years now, she would be my first choice I guess :lol:

    i’ve heard admiral janeway is good in arena, haven’t tried her myself though 🖖

    I forgot about that. I have her at 2/5* but I never used her in the arena. Maybe I could try and see if she's already useful when partially fused (if yes, then I guess she would be a good arena crew at 5/5*).
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝

    + 1 on this idea :smiley:

    I have Katrine and Klingon Janeway immortal and I wouldn't be too excited about Admiral Janeway, but any other option would be great. Since Arachnia is the only one that has been eluding me for more than 3 years now, she would be my first choice I guess :lol:

    i’ve heard admiral janeway is good in arena, haven’t tried her myself though 🖖

    I forgot about that. I have her at 2/5* but I never used her in the arena. Maybe I could try and see if she's already useful when partially fused (if yes, then I guess she would be a good arena crew at 5/5*).

    Her strength in Arena is her evasion. I don't know that she would be terribly helpful below 4/5. I could be mistaken since I don't have her, but that is my understanding.
    Farewell 🖖
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝

    + 1 on this idea :smiley:

    I have Katrine and Klingon Janeway immortal and I wouldn't be too excited about Admiral Janeway, but any other option would be great. Since Arachnia is the only one that has been eluding me for more than 3 years now, she would be my first choice I guess :lol:

    i’ve heard admiral janeway is good in arena, haven’t tried her myself though 🖖

    I forgot about that. I have her at 2/5* but I never used her in the arena. Maybe I could try and see if she's already useful when partially fused (if yes, then I guess she would be a good arena crew at 5/5*).

    Her strength in Arena is her evasion. I don't know that she would be terribly helpful below 4/5. I could be mistaken since I don't have her, but that is my understanding.

    All I know is he works a charm as a 2/5 ... she has a really good passive Accuracy bonus and a pretty decent passive Crit Bonus too ... so she really helps those first Killy/bust damage hits land hard while at the same time helping you evade the opponent's shots.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    I still want a Janeway campaign in the future-

    - 4* Warship Janeway (who still after three years continues to elude me)

    5* options who i have 1/5 -
    -Admiral Janeway (Nemesis version)
    -Vice Admiral Janeway (Endgame version)
    - Katrine
    - Klingon Janeway

    I wouldn’t be opposed to Arachnia but i have her at 2 stars.... and i don’t have Agent Janeway.

    Janeway Janeway Janeway! 😝😝

    + 1 on this idea :smiley:

    I have Katrine and Klingon Janeway immortal and I wouldn't be too excited about Admiral Janeway, but any other option would be great. Since Arachnia is the only one that has been eluding me for more than 3 years now, she would be my first choice I guess :lol:

    i’ve heard admiral janeway is good in arena, haven’t tried her myself though 🖖

    I forgot about that. I have her at 2/5* but I never used her in the arena. Maybe I could try and see if she's already useful when partially fused (if yes, then I guess she would be a good arena crew at 5/5*).

    Her strength in Arena is her evasion. I don't know that she would be terribly helpful below 4/5. I could be mistaken since I don't have her, but that is my understanding.

    All I know is he works a charm as a 2/5 ... she has a really good passive Accuracy bonus and a pretty decent passive Crit Bonus too ... so she really helps those first Killy/bust damage hits land hard while at the same time helping you evade the opponent's shots.

    Thanks, @RaraRacing . I will have to keep an eye out for her. I've been running a Valdore and she might help it stay alive. I didn't think she would be effective without heavy citations.
    Farewell 🖖
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    Should there be an announcement today?
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lenara Kahn & Reinforcements Stamets

    Really like the theme!
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    this is the worst one yet
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • theme is nice, will probably still skip it though because lenara is only 2 skill :frowning:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • NoNameNamerNoNameNamer ✭✭✭✭
    Not only a 2 skiller, but the same skills as the newly introduced Kay Eaton. Such a bad timing...
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    They may have found my breaking point, too. Lack of event potential and two skills just makes it a non-entity for me. Then again... I may see that gold citation at the end and buy it anyway. We shall see.
    Farewell 🖖
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