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Key information for the event: Orion Belt - 10/19 - Update 10/17 with new DSC Crew



  • OMG another Galaxy event?? C'mon already! If I didn't have so many characters that offered bonuses, I'd say the heck with the storyline. There is such a thing known as overkill and burnout. I'm just glad I am not the only one thinking the same thing.
  • Well, I'm with the rest of the crew -I like Tilly on the show, although a little goes a long way. But she would have made a perfect 2* or 3* -a 5* is just nuts. No real interest in burning chrons to try to get her. And Ash Tyler hasn't had enough screen time to make an impression. I'm going to take it easy on this event and hope we get a shot at Burnham in the final week.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tongo Rad wrote: »
    Well, I'm with the rest of the crew -I like Tilly on the show, although a little goes a long way. But she would have made a perfect 2* or 3*, a 5* is just nuts. No real interest in burning chrons to try to get her. And Ash Tyler hasn't had enough screen time to make an impression. I'm going to take it easy on this event and hope we get a shot at Burnham in the final week.


    I read that and went what? Why is this girl 5*s??? I will aim to get Ash though, love a nice addition to my growing pot of sexiness. I wonder what his skills could be, it'll probably be the tired old COM/SEC combo, but whatever. I liked his character from what I saw of him.

    However, this means we had better be getting Dr. Culber next week. To not get a single MED crew during this mega-event when we have been asking for more MED because of Voyages and even before then, would be a travesty.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    5* rarity is for "Legendary" crew members. Cadet Tilly will forever be the answer to the trivia question, "Who was the first character to drop an f-bomb in Star Trek?"

    DB got this one right.
  • Can next event please be expedition or non-fed/klingon faction/expedition, featuring:

    - 5* legendary TARDIGRADE ENG/SCI SEC or ENG/SEC/SCI, with artwork befitting such a noble creature
    - 4* Dr Hugh Culber MED/SCI/DIP
    - 4* young Sarek or crewman Michael Burnham

    and perhaps a 2* version of Tilly for cadet challenges. ;)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    If not Tilly who would be the legendary this week? Mudd? Sarek maybe but he isnt in the show much. Ripper? I like Tilly but for those that dont and quit early, less competition for me and better rewards. :)
    Let’s fly!
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Off the top of my head, one of the new admermials, the lt cmd security officer. One of the medical crew.... New Mudd, old Mudd, Mudds pet....
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually expected the last two events to go...
    5* Harry Mudd
    4* Ash Tyler
    2* Cadet Tilly

    5* Young Sarek
    4* Dr. Hugh Culber
    3* Prisoner Michael Burnham
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not a bad lineup
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Not sure why people seem so hung up on the fact that she has Cadet in her character name. Don't remember anyone complaining that Cadet Crusher is a 4* or that people who aren't "cadets" can be used for "cadet challenges", I mean that's so demeaning for all those Captains. ;) Would folks feel better if they'd just left Cadet off of the name and just called her Sylvia Tilly instead? Just seems kind of nit picky to me.

    As much screen time as she has on the show I'm not surprised she's a 5* (being the “best theoretical engineer on the ship”), even though I'd think a 4* would have been fine and I was surprised that Mudd wasn't one of the characters or this event. I do hope Culber makes an appearance, maybe as an OP MED 4* so more folks have a chance to FF him.
  • Ugh, just Straight galaxy? RIP my chrons.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    Hmmmm. 5* Cadet Tilly w4egafxzhbry.gif

    Tilly says she knows it's all her fault, she says she's always doing dumb stuff like that, and adds: "Ugh, what right do I have to be called 'legendary'? I'm no legend... Philippa Georgiou, now there was a legend! Right? Like, I mean come on... y'know? Anyway, I really hope you don't hold it against me."


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Don't remember anyone complaining that Cadet Crusher is a 4*
    It's impossible to compare those two. Crusher started as civilian and grew from there. Cadet was major upgrade, not start of career. His career progression was Civilian - Acting Ensign - Ensign - Academy Cadet - (Civilian binge) - Lieutenant.

    Not so coincidentally it's * - ** - *** - **** - ***** in the game. Best possible progression from * to ***** in the game as far as canon and logic go.
  • edited October 2017
    NOTE: Absolutely no idea why this post disappeared and then reappeared after I have written the new one, so it is not meant as a double post.

    I personally think it's not much of a crew issue, than DB shooting themselves in the foot. While the idea to start adding discovery crew was from a marketing standpoint really good, you are also thrown into a franchise you know nothing of, nor you are aware how it will progress. All other star trek series are established and easy to take crew from. We know barely anything about Discovery yet, and this is why almost every 5* Discovery crew member (Maybe save for Burnham) were rougher than the average.

    Let's face it, they were dumping crew on a daily basis with barely any idea what's coming up next:
    - Michael Burnham (although with chance to get) is a good and proper addition
    - Desert Giorgiou was ok and appropriate
    - 2* Saru was appropriate, as well as the 4*
    - Lorca is as far from CMD/DIP crew as it gets, and the last episode, as well as the ones that will come, will show it, I am sure of it. He can fight, he has a quick mind, and doesn't do much in terms of diplomacy so far... And he will most certainly need a trait adjustment. Pitiful and poor traits.
    - Stamets was ok at 4*, but I expected some ENG thrown in for good measure, not just another generic SCI/SEC

    Sadly, working with non-established series and with barely any information about the current crew, DB are forced to s-uck ideas and suppositions out of their fingers and shove it to the players. Delaying the Mega for november would have been a really sound idea, as they would have had way more to work with. I am not surprised at the addition of Tilly, as she is the only one left with okayish screen time, but as I said in the previous post, it felt more like a practical joke than a decent addition - all that she's done so far is talk a lot, be Burnham's buddy, drop the F Bomb, snore, and say that she wants to be captain someday.

    I guess she is one for us, now... I can't wait to see what kinds of stats, skill and traits DB will s-uck out of their fingers to come up with for her. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the creative director right now...
  • Sadly, this is what DB get when they start on an equal footing with a franchise they know nothing of, nor they know how it will progress, unlike the completed and established Star Trek series. I have a feeling that they expected waymore crew than we are currently getting, and as such, have a very difficult time adapting. The way I am looking at it, most of the time they are forced to guess how will each crew member evolve... It is in the end their own fault, because while from a marketing standpoint the idea to start along with Discovery was sound, on a creative note it is absolutely not. This is why we are getting progressively worse crew:

    1. Burnham was good, and we knew she deserved 5*
    2. Desert Giorgriou is as DIP/CMD as it gets, so a deserved 5*
    3. Saru at 2* and at 4* was also a good option
    4. Lorca is as far from CMD/DIP and the traits that he has as he gets. He can fight (so where's the SEC), he's crafty, he's even sort of brutal.
    5. Stamets at 4* is okayish, but I think he should have had ENG as well for good measure.

    And suddenly, barring any doubles of the listed people, we are out of crew, apart from Keyla Detmer (the helmsman who hasn't said a word yet), Dr. Hugh Culber whom we've seen only a few times, Commander Landry (not spoiling what happens), the young Sarek who appeared only a few times (great presence though), Harry Mudd (always a good addition) and of course, our new Star Tilly.

    This is why, all out of the sudden, we get a 5* Tilly because she is simply the next crewman who's got more screen time than the rest. In a way, I am sorry for them, but it's also their own fault. Nobody would have complained, and nobody would have spent less money if the mega was done in November, when we all have some idea what's the deal here and how the characters are shaping up.

    It was simply a bit of poor planning on the part of DB, that's all. However, I am awaiting eagerly to see what Tilly's stats and traits will be like. At this point the creative team of DB are really s-ucking ideas and suppositions out of their fingers now.
  • And suddenly, barring any doubles of the listed people, we are out of crew, apart from Keyla Detmer (the helmsman who hasn't said a word yet), Dr. Hugh Culber whom we've seen only a few times, Commander Landry (not spoiling what happens), the young Sarek who appeared only a few times (great presence though), Harry Mudd (always a good addition) and of course, our new Star Tilly.

    Well, there's still the Klingons that have had major roles: L'Rel, Voq, and Kol. But personally, after recent ST Timelines events, I am all Klingoned-out. Tired of farming gagh...

  • Indeed you are correct, Tongo Rad, but seems we are still focusing, on Federation crew... Unless the last week of the mega is mixed Federation/Klingon to merit the usage of the crew you listed, I really don't know whom will DB use as featured crew - so far only young Sarek sort of merits a 5* addition (due to his career).
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    Leola Root wrote: »
    5* Tilly, jeez... At least the artwork goes well with her character.

    Don't understand pouting/duckface Tyler though.

    Still, gotta catch em all.

    Well, I suppose I'd be pouting, too, if I
    had just spent 6 months as a prisoner on a Klingon ship.

    Seen the episode but appreciate the spoiler tag :). Just find Tyler's facial expression in this artwork to be awful, despite what happened.

    Travis with a good point on the origin of Tilly's legendary status.

    I still think she's as much a 5* as crewmen Cutler from Enterprise, and I'd really like to see Cutler ingame.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bobkyou wrote: »
    Seems really odd to me to have a 5★ with the title of cadet in the name. There are so many other options: Away Team Tily, Engineer Tily, Reinforcements Tily, Desert Tily, Shipboard Tily, Darth Tily, anything really.
    Tilly was the obvious choice for the 5* after all pretty pixels sell, particularly with a stereotypical trekkie audience (aka middle aged men), just saying


    DB: Do Better
  • A 5* "cadet" illustrates how little DB's current leadership knows about this game. And us.
  • Thanks in advance to those whom put $150 into this game today for "Ear-muffs" Tilly. At least this game will live for another week. Ironic that a ST character gets top tier status in this game, while responsible parents can't allow their children to watch the actual show anymore...
  • All of those things you mentioned have been in video games for over a decade, longer than the total lifetime of todays' children. I do not mean to draw some moral line in general, but swearing in Trek should be viewed differently. For example, I am not down with Star Wars, but I would be equally irked if that franchise began to allow the same thing. IMHO, it cheapens the franchise for no reason other than having us debating this topic right now. It is as if they knew their product was weak, so they decided to go for shock value to create a buzz.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I'm not one that generally cares about such things, but I thought the swearing in the last episode was odd and gratuitous. They should have done it in a moment of anger instead if they really were set on doing it. On the other hand we haven't been rubbing goo on naked T'pol yet so in that regard it's better than Enterprise so far.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jayne Cobb wrote: »
    but swearing in Trek should be viewed differently.

    When your kids get older maybe they´ll start swearing, drink, have sex etc. Aka no longer the pure, innocent ones they are now. Things, series and people change over time. That is a normal process. I respect that you did not like that aspect, but I see zero shock value in that part of the episode.

  • I didn't even notice. That's how things have changed. One time we wouldn't have said damn. It's a sign of the times. Like the new Bladerunner, it speaks to a new generation. Same story, told differently. I've already had the story told, in a way that impacted me greatly.

    I do like Discovery. It doesn't feel like Trek to me, at all, but I have become invested in the characters. I like Saru and Michael's relationship, I'm becoming fond of Stamets, I like Ash Tyler (I like him whatever he's in actually) . Gabriel Lorca I have a new respect for. Tilly I just like. I loved Georgiou. I mean, I hate the new Klingons and I hate that it's Trek, but I love the story and the characters. How can that be? My girlfriend hates it and won't watch it, so I wait til she's out and enjoy it without distraction. It's like a weekly naughty pleasure I get, by myself, just great storytelling and lovely visuals. Better imo than Abrams by a long mile.
  • I have to protect DB team. Running along with the show needs extra efforts for them. CBS can cancel any pre-done work, art, etc. I am sure, this was the reason for Tilly becomes 5* instead of 2 or 4. A planned 5* main character did not get green light so they have to use Tilly artwork on a 5* character template.
  • This is fine. I hope Dr. Culber is next week's 5* though.
  • This is fine. I hope Dr. Culber is next week's 5* though.

    I wouldn't hold your breath, the only two left from the announcement are Sarek and Mudd.

    "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."
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