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Key information about the event: Breakthrough - 04/12



  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I don't know about others but considering that there are a lot more Vulcans in the series than Romulans it strikes me as to be expected that they will be more common.

    Three of the shows had Vulcan characters as main cast while Romulans have been mostly guest characters.

    Expecting there to be an equal split seems strange

    I hear you, makes sense, however we a little something called Discovery / Andorian Mega Event with Andorians in events all month long.

    If counting the new 2 & 3* last Mega it was 6 Andorians to 8 Discovery, with one crew that wasn't either... (5 to 7 if not counting the 2 & 3).

    Disco/Andorian Mega

    Mega 5*, Prisoner Katrina Cornwell (Discovery)

    Week 1
    Dress Uniform Scotty (not related to either)
    Celebratory Ash Tyler (Discovery)
    Lieutenant Tarah (Andorian)

    Week 2
    Away Team Saru (Discovery)
    Commander Thelin (Andorian)
    Commando Shran (Andorian, existing)
    Expedition Shran (Andorian, new 3*)

    Week 3
    Suus Mahna Sarek (Discovery)
    Prospect Michael Burnham (Discovery)
    Ambassador Shras (Andorian)
    Desert Michael Burnham (Discovery, new 2*)

    Week 4
    Lissan (Andorian/Aenar)
    Time Loop Mudd (Discovery)
    Commander Ellen Landry (Discovery)

    Guess the next few weeks will show how many Vulcan's vs Romulan's we'll get...

    I'm still disappointed Mirror Shukar wasn't part of that mega-event. I'd have chased him in Week 4 despite my contempt for Galaxy events.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Romulans are coming! They are! Fret not :)

    I didn't even realise I was fretting until you said so! Now I know what fretting is. And yes, I was fretting. Fretting a lot! Now I can fret not. Thanks Shan!

    The Rom-coats are coming!
    The Rom-coats are coming!
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    And besides, think of all those Star Icons and Rom Encryption Algorithms we're saving, by not needing them every week. And there'd be a thread just like the one about the IDIC shortage. ;)
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magisse wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Romulans are coming! They are! Fret not :)

    I didn't even realise I was fretting until you said so! Now I know what fretting is. And yes, I was fretting. Fretting a lot! Now I can fret not. Thanks Shan!

    The Rom-coats are coming!
    The Rom-coats are coming!

    I could totally see Alan Arkin as a Romulan. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had Valeris 4/4 up to lvl 90 before the event started. She never EVER came up in the top ranks to go on a shuttle for this event. I had to scroll wayyyyy down the list to find her. I double and triple checked that she had the Vulcan trait, because it just didn't seem like it.

    Now she is at 100 and only 1 item left to FE/immort, and I she is still way down the list and doesn't get on shuttles.

    I guess that tells you how low her actual stats are. I was totally ready to freeze her once she got immortalized, because she seems totally useless, but now I guess I have to wait at least until after next week.

    She is useful when traits come up on gauntlet. And can be useful for some even without traits.
  • Oh we need the Evil Doctor! wnj4qmc8dmjt.jpg
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Marc Alaimo Romulan, Vreenak, Katra Archer, and existing 4*s please (Nevesa, Tomalak, T'Rul).

    ..and Vreenak's gotta have his quote otherwise he's a fake, and so forth.
  • NS111111 wrote: »
    As long as we get Vreenak I don't care...

    Him and Tomalak are my 2 favorite Romulans. Tomalak has Been immortal since forever so all I want out of this mega is Vreenak. You listening DB? I have a pile of money with Vreenak's name written ALL over it!
    Immortalized crew count:
    27×1★; 45×2★; 72×3★; 121×4★; 14×5★

    FE, not fused crew count:
    0×2★; 0×3★; 18×4★; 21×5★
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh we need the Evil Doctor! wnj4qmc8dmjt.jpg
    The evil Doctor made no sense. The bad guys got rid of his morality subroutines. So what? He knows and likes the crew. Why would he turn against them? Why wouldnt he just kill the bad guys?
    Let’s fly!
  • RikerWasNumber1RikerWasNumber1 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Oh we need the Evil Doctor! wnj4qmc8dmjt.jpg
    The evil Doctor made no sense. The bad guys got rid of his morality subroutines. So what? He knows and likes the crew. Why would he turn against them? Why wouldnt he just kill the bad guys?

    Actually in this he wouldn't be a hologram he would be an android. Warship Doctor should have android trait. Also nobody got rid of anything on Warship Doctor. This was the imagined image of Voyager's crew by an alien race. All of them were naturally evil.

  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    <snip> ˜Shan
  • This is what we get next week. Smiling Tuvok. I am looking forward to this one.

  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh we need the Evil Doctor! wnj4qmc8dmjt.jpg
    The evil Doctor made no sense. The bad guys got rid of his morality subroutines. So what? He knows and likes the crew. Why would he turn against them? Why wouldnt he just kill the bad guys?

    Actually in this he wouldn't be a hologram he would be an android. Warship Doctor should have android trait. Also nobody got rid of anything on Warship Doctor. This was the imagined image of Voyager's crew by an alien race. All of them were naturally evil.


    Weirdly enough, he would still be a hologram...a hologram of an android!
  • Would he also be a hologram? The aliens that recreated the warship Voyager fantasy didn't know he was a hologram. He will be one of the last memorable cards from that episode because Warship Kim, Paris, and everyone else seemed rather dull in comparison to warship Chekotay with his crazy tattoo, murderous Janeway, and smiling Tuvok.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would he also be a hologram? The aliens that recreated the warship Voyager fantasy didn't know he was a hologram. He will be one of the last memorable cards from that episode because Warship Kim, Paris, and everyone else seemed rather dull in comparison to warship Chekotay with his crazy tattoo, murderous Janeway, and smiling Tuvok.

    I believe that alien race was using Holographic technology to present the Voyager fantasy. So in essence that was a holographic representation of an android.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    You're already 2 events in the hole with some of us. That's a little bit to dig out of.

    The only people "sitting" in that hole are people who judge a book by it´s cover. Or a movie after having only seen half of it. And peeps who expect this and that and everything without having a solid basis for it.

    Kinda like lil kids who did not get their prefered pressy at xmas. There is a nice "golden rule" which makes many things in games (and especially life!) so much easier:

    Don´t expect anything and you will never feel disappointment ;)

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    You're already 2 events in the hole with some of us. That's a little bit to dig out of.

    The only people "sitting" in that hole are people who judge a book by it´s cover. Or a movie after having only seen half of it. And peeps who expect this and that and everything without having a solid basis for it.

    Kinda like lil kids who did not get their prefered pressy at xmas. There is a nice "golden rule" which makes many things in games (and especially life!) so much easier:

    Don´t expect anything and you will never feel disappointment ;)

    You're right, we should all stop reading titles and such and thinking that they mean something.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Agreed. It is reasonable to expect romulans in a vulcan/romulans mega event. The half we have seen has none. It's annoying because we already have many vulcans in the game and many of us besides just liking some of the romulans, needs romulans to finish their cryo collection.
    Let’s fly!
  • Maybe the first half of the Vulcan-Romulan event is devoted to Vulcans and the second half which we haven't seen yet is Romulan...that is not unreasonable.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Romulan Janeway, Romulan Burnham, Romulan Dax, Romulan Archer, Romulan O'Brien...........
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe the first half of the Vulcan-Romulan event is devoted to Vulcans and the second half which we haven't seen yet is Romulan...that is not unreasonable.

    I hope so otherwise I will be disappointed in this mega event. I dont even feel like doing much of the upcoming event cause I am full to the brim with vulcans.
    Let’s fly!
  • Shan wrote: »
    Event Name: Breakthrough
    Bonus crew:
    • small bonus: variants of Tuvok, variants of T'Pol, crew with the Vulcan trait, and crew with the Romulan trait.

    Hmmm.....I like how we're getting crew with the Vulcan trait AND Tuvok & T'Pol variants as bonus crew because......wait, but don't all Tuvok & T'Pol already have the Vulcan trait? I'm trying to think if there are any Klingon Tuvoks or Andorian T'Pols or something? And I'm pretty sure its not X4 if a crew is both a Tuvok AND a Vulcan? So...... without McCoy this week, that first half of the small bonus crew list is basically just meaningless? Granted, its only a galaxy event, but still.....feels like someone is trying to pull a fast one on all of us (plus the lack of Romulans too, of course)!
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Copper wrote: »
    that first half of the small bonus crew list is basically just meaningless? Granted, its only a galaxy event, but still.....feels like someone is trying to pull a fast one on all of us

    They use a standard format for the bonus crew notice. In this case, you're right that the variants are all covered by the extra bonus for Vulcans and Romulans, but really this is a non issue, and no one is pulling a fast one on you.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Copper wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Event Name: Breakthrough
    Bonus crew:
    • small bonus: variants of Tuvok, variants of T'Pol, crew with the Vulcan trait, and crew with the Romulan trait.

    Hmmm.....I like how we're getting crew with the Vulcan trait AND Tuvok & T'Pol variants as bonus crew because......wait, but don't all Tuvok & T'Pol already have the Vulcan trait? I'm trying to think if there are any Klingon Tuvoks or Andorian T'Pols or something? And I'm pretty sure its not X4 if a crew is both a Tuvok AND a Vulcan? So...... without McCoy this week, that first half of the small bonus crew list is basically just meaningless? Granted, its only a galaxy event, but still.....feels like someone is trying to pull a fast one on all of us (plus the lack of Romulans too, of course)!

    I'm fairly certain there have been instances where they didn't specify the first bit and then people asked if variants counted, despite them falling under the trait bonus.

    It's not weird or new or anything. Just trying to use clear language.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Romulan Janeway, Romulan Burnham, Romulan Dax, Romulan Archer, Romulan O'Brien...........

    Wait. How did Archer get in there...? o_O
  • What I want to know is, what about ENG crew?

    As far as I can tell, there are only three existing Vulcan/Romulan crew that have appreciable ENG (Laborer Spock, Romulan Data, and Subcommander T'Rul - not counting weak tertiaries like Gangster Spock), and as far as this week goes, none of the Tuvok and T'Pol variants have ENG either. Are the event bonuses for the rest of the event going to reflect this shortage of ENG event crew? Because there were an awful lot of event missions in this week that wanted ENG.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mithiwithi wrote: »
    What I want to know is, what about ENG crew?

    As far as I can tell, there are only three existing Vulcan/Romulan crew that have appreciable ENG (Laborer Spock, Romulan Data, and Subcommander T'Rul - not counting weak tertiaries like Gangster Spock), and as far as this week goes, none of the Tuvok and T'Pol variants have ENG either. Are the event bonuses for the rest of the event going to reflect this shortage of ENG event crew? Because there were an awful lot of event missions in this week that wanted ENG.

    Those are the only ones I have on my roster, but I checked the wiki, and found that Captain Lorian has ENG primary, and Ensign Vorik is single-skill ENG (for what that's worth). But you're right — it's not very prevalent. MED is even rarer amongst those with either a Vulcan or Romulan trait, however — only Crewman Tarses, Doctor Selar, Katra McCoy and Rakal Troi have any MED at all.

    You've made me glad that I have Romulan Data immortalized... and now I'm thinking that I might just keep a dupe copy of Katra Bones after claiming the ranked rewards in this event.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    The evil Doctor made no sense. The bad guys got rid of his morality subroutines. So what? He knows and likes the crew. Why would he turn against them? Why wouldnt he just kill the bad guys?

    You're thinking of a different evil Doctor, from Equinox, Part II (6x01). The one in the image is from also from Living Witness, like Warship Tuvok. He is an (inaccurate) historical reconstruction, seperate from the "real" Doctor.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Copper wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Event Name: Breakthrough
    Bonus crew:
    • small bonus: variants of Tuvok, variants of T'Pol, crew with the Vulcan trait, and crew with the Romulan trait.

    Hmmm.....I like how we're getting crew with the Vulcan trait AND Tuvok & T'Pol variants as bonus crew because......wait, but don't all Tuvok & T'Pol already have the Vulcan trait? I'm trying to think if there are any Klingon Tuvoks or Andorian T'Pols or something? And I'm pretty sure its not X4 if a crew is both a Tuvok AND a Vulcan? So...... without McCoy this week, that first half of the small bonus crew list is basically just meaningless? Granted, its only a galaxy event, but still.....feels like someone is trying to pull a fast one on all of us (plus the lack of Romulans too, of course)!

    There's a Borg Tuvok, but he also has the Vulcan trait. ;)
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
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